‘Time has come for Kurdish unity’

  • 15:35 12 July 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Condemning the attacks against the Kurds in the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria, 160 intellectuals and writers stated that they will oppose those who hinder national unity and called everyone to take a stand.
It was made a press release at the Kurdish Literati Association in order to draw attention to the attacks carried out by Turkey against the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria. Reading the text of the call signed by 160 intellectuals and writers, Ahmet Kanî, the executive of the Kurdish Literati Association, stated that the Kurdish people played a leading role in the advancement of socialship and humanity in history. Stating that the Kurds have resisted and struggled with great will and faith for centuries for their honor and existence, Ahmet said that many successes have been achieved as a result of this struggle.
‘Attacks have reached the highest level’
In the statement, which states that the Kurdish people have been fighting for the development of society and humanity for years, and that the attacks were fueled by the disintegration of the Kurds, and said: ‘’If the Kurds had a free union, they could have won and built their union. It is known that the invading state has recently maximized its attacks on Southern and Western Kurdistan. No one should stand in the way of the unity of the Kurds, those who oppose will be responsible for the history of this country. We will stand against them with a national spirit.’’
‘Do not remain silent against the occupation’
Underlining that the Kurds should fight against invasions and massacres instead of hating each other, the statement said: “We must remove the obstacles to the national unity of the Kurds. We condemn all attacks in Southern and Western Kurdistan and say, 'The time has come for Kurdish unity'. In the spirit of unity, the Kurdish people will intensify their struggle in every field and will fight to the end to win. We call on all Kurdish intellectuals, writers, artists, institutions and non-governmental organizations to take a clear stance against the occupation and not remain silent against the occupation.’’