Fate of Fethi Yıldırım who disappeared for 26 years asked

  • 17:40 10 July 2021
  • News

DİYARBAKIR - IHD and the relatives of the disappeared asked about the fate of DEP executive Fethi Yıldırım, who was detained in Viranşehir in 1994 and was never heard from again.

The Diyarbakır Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the relatives of the disappeared carried out the 648th action online with the slogan "Let the disappeared found, let the perpetrators be prosecuted". In the action, it was asked about the fate of Democracy Party (DEP) executibe Fethi Yıldırım, who could not be heard from after he was detained on January 4, 1994, in the Viranşehir district of Urfa province.

The story of Fethi Yıldırım was told by IHD Board Member Mehmet Tahir Saçaklıdır.

Mehmet stated that in the Viranşehir district of Urfa, DEP executive Fethi Yıldırım went to Abdo Mutlu's house, who came from Germany, on the evening of January 4, 1994, together with party executives Ali Kuran and Naci Kapancılar. Mehmet stated that a few hours later, teams from the Viranşehir District Police Department raided the house.

No response to applications

Mehmet continued: ‘’The police officers who raided the house said that Abdo Mutlu, Ali Kuran, Naci Kapancılar and Fethi Yıldırım were detained. Ali Kuran, who was released at around 23:00 the same evening, called Süleyman Yıldırım on the phone and stated that they had been detained and that they had been released except for Fethi Yıldırım. According to the tellings of Kuran and Kapancılar; they mentioned; ‘While sitting at home, a large group of police officers from the District Police, including Selçuk Uygur, Osman Harman, Alptekin Kartal and Uğur Avşar, came. They gathered us together and asked which of us was Fethi Yıldırım. When they found out which of us was Fethi, they blindfolded the four of us and took us away. After about two hours, they asked us to open our eyes and sign a report that they put before us. Meanwhile, we realized that Fethi was not with us. After signing our signatures, they released us.’’

Stating that Fethi Yıldırım's family applied to all authorities but did not receive any positive response, Mehmet said that the family, who did not receive any response to the applications, applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).