Attack on those who want to march to Galatasaray Square for Suruç

  • 15:20 10 July 2021
  • News

ISTANBUL - ESP and SGDF members who wanted to march to Galatasaray Square on the anniversary of the Suruç Massacre, in which 33 people lost their lives on July 20, 2015, were detained.

Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) marched to Galatasaray Square with the slogan "Justice for Suruç, justice for all" on the anniversary of the Suruç Massacre on 20 July 2015. The crowd marching on Istiklal Street held a banner "Justice for Suruç, justice for all" and chanted "Suruç’s account will be held".
Police attacked the crowd advancing towards Galatasaray Square. Six people were detained with torture.