45th group takes over hunger strike action

  • 15:46 5 July 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The 45th group took over the hunger strike against the Imralı isolation and rights violations in prisons.
The 45th group took over the indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched by Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Part (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, demanding the end of the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and an end to the increasing violations of rights in prisons. The action has entered its 221st day.
Abdullah Öcalan was given 11 disciplinary punishments
While the resistance continues in prisons, the same demands are expressed outside. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Batman Provincial Organization held a panel on "Isolation and hunger strikes" at Petrol-İş Union yesterday. HDP Batman MP Feleknas Uca and PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan's lawyer Newroz Uysal attended the panel as speakers, Free Women’s Movement (TJA) activists, HDP Batman Municipality Co-Mayors Songül Korkmaz and Mehmet Demir, who replaced by trustee, members of the Peace Mothers Council, HDP Provincial and district organizations and many people attended. A banner "We will break the isolation, we will destroy fascism" was hung in the hall.
Abdullah Öcalan's lawyer, Newroz Uysal, stated that all his rights were taken away from her client and said: ‘’There are no lawyers and family meetings. We do not know whether the book, letter or item was received when it was sent. We do not know about other conditions. As lawyers, we apply for a meeting every week. However, they are all rejected. Thousands of letters sent are not given to him. In the past, it was said that the coaster was broken, now it has reached such a stage that there has been no lawyer's meeting for eight years. Family and defensor visits are not allowed. They no longer make excuses. Neither the prison nor the ministry is answering our calls.’’
Sharing that Abdullah Öcalan was given 11 disciplinary punishments, Newroz said that lawyers were not informed about the reasons for the punishment. Noting that the cause of the aggravated isolation that has been going on for 22 years is the war against Abdullah Öcalan's will, Newroz said: ‘’The state's Imralı policies continue in an aggravated manner. Despite this, Öcalan's struggle continues. When we met with Öcalan, he was calling for 'strengthening'. He said that for the Kurds to add strength to their power, they should increase the struggle.’’
Hunger strike in Lavrio on its 183rd day
The indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched by the survivors of the Lavrio Camp in Greece to end the isolation against the PKK leader and to support the ongoing hunger strike in prisons continues its 183rd day. The hunger strike in the camp is led by the Revolutionary Youth Movement (TCŞ-Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger), the European Kurdish Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistan a Ewropa) and the Kurdistan Cultural Center (Navenda Çanda Kurdistan).
199th day of action in Maxmur
A hunger strike was launched on 18 December, led by women, against the Imralı isolation in Maxmur Camp in the Federated Kurdistan Region. The action, which continued at the Maxmur Martyrs' Families Council, entered its 199th day.