Raise to electricity and natural gas: ‘People condemned to starvation’

  • 13:36 5 July 2021
  • News
Gülistan Azak 
DİYARBAKIR - The exorbitant raises in electricity and natural gas drew reactions. Women from Diyarbakır, who stated that they could not even get their basic needs due to the raises, said: ‘’This is not living. People are condemned to starvation. We are killing on purpose.’’
Turkey entered the second half of the year with new raises. A 15 percent increase in electricity and a 12 percent increase in natural gas were made. The raises will not be limited to these two items only. Exorbitant increases in energy will increase the price of everything from needle to thread. Economists, on the other hand, warn that difficult days are at door when unemployment and high inflation will coexist with the shortage of resources in the budget.
Since the beginning of the year, there has been a one percent increase in energy every month. The high raise in the middle of the year will carry the already high inflation even higher.
Salary raises melt in the face of inflation
The Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) attributed the rise to the cost increase. The dollar rate has increased by more than 14 percent since the beginning of the year. Salary raise for retired and civil servants are melting away in the face of high inflation. The government, which is responsible for improving the living conditions of the citizens, who are left alone with unemployment on the one hand and whose purchasing power has decreased due to exorbitant prices, insists on not taking such steps. According to economists, a new crisis will occur with inflation, in which unemployment will reach up to 30 percent.
Diyarbakır residents made evaluations about the raises in energy.
‘If it were not for the support of those around me, I would starve to death’
Naciye Fidan, who is trying to make a living with her old age pension, stated that the raises forced her purchasing power. Naciye said: ‘’The old-age pension is 763 liras. Is this money enough to live on? I would have starved to death without the support of those around me. Does the government ever think about those who are trying to get by with this money? It is a shame, it is a sin. We fill our stomachs with bread and water. We are afraid to use electricity and water at home because of the raises. There is an epidemic, but we cannot have a bath because of the gas and water bill.’’
‘People were condemned to starvation’
Nupelda Öztürk, who is preparing for university exams, noted that the country's economy causes despair among young people. Stating that her father died as a result of a work accident in construction, Nupelda said, “Money is not easily earned. My father died as a result of an accident he had due to the job security that was not taken in the construction where he worked for one’s board. My mother is trying to take care of us with her 1500 lira pension from my father. We wake up every new day with a raise. We could not turn on the lights at home because of the raises. I cannot prepare well for university. I cannot afford the books. I am working on making photocopies of the books I need to buy. Even if I win the university with this livelihood, I cannot study. I am worried about my future. The epidemic process has shown us very clearly the approach of the country to its citizens. People are condemned to starvation.’’
‘I cannot meet my children’s needs’
Hatice Karataş, a seasonal agricultural worker, also reacted to the raises and said: ‘’My husband is not working. I am a seasonal agricultural worker. I go to Malatya and Ordu and work in the fields for 50-80 liras per day. I am trying to look after 10 population with the money I get. My bazaar shopping is always missing. If I am buying tomatoes, I am not getting peppers. I cannot meet my children's needs. We are in need of dry bread.’’
‘We cannot even get our basic needs’
Domestic worker İpek Akkabak said that even basic needs could not be met due to the raises and stated: ‘’My husband is a construction worker. We do not have a regular salary. Electricity raise also affects market prices. I cannot even buy diaper and milk for my child. Sometimes we do not even have money to buy bread. The price of bread has raised. We are afraid to use electricity. Meat has not entered my house since the last feast. So, I do not even know its price. Dairy products are also constantly on the rise. We cannot even get our basic needs. We cannot feed healthy.’’
‘This is not living’
Domestic worker Azize Öztürk expressed her reaction to the raises with the following words: ‘’It has become difficult to make a living at home. If it goes on like this, we will be in a position to collect dry bread. It is not only electricity and natural gas that has been increased, but the price of everything from bread to oil has increased. I come back with two bags from the grocery shopping I went with 100 liras. This is not living. We are killed on purpose. Everyone is miserable, from shopkeepers to farmers, from civil servants to students, to domestic workers. We are in the epidemic period. We did not get any support either. The empty braiser is boiling at home.’’