Newaya Jin comes out with headline ‘Women draw map of revolution’

  • 12:28 1 July 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The July issue of Newaya Jin met with the reader with the headline "Women are drawing the map of revolution".
The July issue of Newaya Jin, the monthly women's newspaper published in Europe, came out with the headline "Women are drawing the map of revolution". It is possible to find different content in the 196th issue, which draws attention to topics such as women's struggle, hunger strike resistance, Rojava Revolution, Istanbul Convention, invasion attacks, women's solidarity networks.
Commenting on the headline about the anniversary of the 19 July Rojava Revolution, journalist, and writer Medya Doz reminded that the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) is uprising the woman spirit all over the world. Media said: ‘’A people's revolution, a women's resurgence is taking place in Rojava. In the middle of the circle of violence, there is a women's revolution that shapes the dream and emotion map of a people.’’
Hêvîdar Xalid summarized the 10-year build process.
Today’s projections of witch hunts
Rabia Tamer, on the other hand, analyzed the Istanbul Convention, which is one of the main agendas of the Turkish women's movement, what society of Turkey, the government that has ruled the society for nearly 20 years, and the state mentality in general understand from the Istanbul Convention, and what the perceptions of women, gender and family are through this convention.
Women’s radicalism and the need for a new manifesto
Zerya Gül stated that ‘’The form and method of the state civilization system’s attacks on women in the last ten years imposes the need to develop the self-defense idea, method and action of women’s movements in a multi-faceted manner.’’ Zerya Gül emphasized that ISIS’s method of selling Êzidî women on the streets, rape, creating a harem and Turkey's abolition of international conventions that prevent general and domestic violence against women are parallel attacks.
Making the victory of resistance possible
The hunger strike agenda was written by Ronahî Serxwebûn. Reminding the history of the action used as a method of struggle for rights in Kurdistan and the world, Ronahî draws attention to the woman subjectivity of the action that has been going on since November 27, 2020.
Turkey’s attacks
Berîtan Zagros and Roza Metîna, the Kurdish writers of the newspaper, draw attention to the Turkey’s attacks on Federated Kurdistan, which started as of April 23. Reminding the international support of the attacks, the authors commented on the position of PDK and YNK against the attacks.
RETE Jin network
RETE Jin network, which was established in Italy in 2018 and is present in many regions of the country, carries out its activities with the perspective that overcoming the patriarchal system is through self-defense and organizing. An interview with activist Camilla Z. on the network’s principles of organization, working methods and goals was included.
In this issue, the presentation of the studies carried out in the Iberian Peninsula, summarized by Delal Emilio, was included in the Jineology category.
‘Dengê Welat’ radio
The new issue also included the introduction of "Dengê Welat Radio", which has been broadcasting in different dialects of Kurdish since 2013. Têkoşîn Mêrdîn evaluated the broadcasting policy of Dengê Welat, which broadcasts via Hotbird and Nilsad satellites.
Rojin Agir answered the newspaper's questions about the agenda, projects, and goals of Jinên Xwendekar ên Kurdistanê (JXK), which held its second conference on May 29, 2021.
The July issue, which includes narrative articles about Şevin Bingöl (Hülya Kül), who died in Bingöl on July 22, 2019, and Sarya Diyar, who died on May 3, 2021, also includes many different titles.
The new issue will also be available on in the coming days.