‘This is fight of all of us and we will win it!’

  • 11:36 29 June 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - Women living in Cihangir reacted by calling for lay claim of the Istanbul Convention, which will be abolished on July 1, and saying: ‘’This is the fight of all of us and we will win it’’.
With the call ‘’Let’s stop life’’ against the abolition of the Istanbul Convention on July 1, women will come together on July 1 at 19.00 in Taksim Tunnel.
We handed the microphone to women in Cihangir regarding the action called for the participation of all women from all over Turkey and July 1, when the convention will be repealed.
Marina Papazyan stated that the decision to withdraw from the contract is unlawful and said: ‘’The rights of not only women and LGBTI+ individuals will be violated, but everyone's rights. Being together in actions also tells us the urgency of the situation. I am very angry. We will all be in Taksim Tunnel together’’.
‘Even there are obstacles, we will be there until the end’
Esra Öğünçmert also stated that the request to abolish the Istanbul Convention is a ‘coup’ against women's rights and reacted to the decision by saying, ‘’While all our rights were taken away from us, men were given the right to do everything’. Esra stated: ‘’They think they can do anything to women in this country, but we do not accept this.’’ Reminding the attack on the pride week picnic in Maçka Park, Esra pointed out that the action intended to be carried out on July 1 may be wanted to be prevented as well, and said: ‘’Women exist, they are strong, and this cannot be denied. We will be there until the end.’’
‘The convention should be protected’
Sibel Özentaşkın, on the other hand, said: ‘’Istanbul Convention really keeps alive, and all women should support it. With the abolition of the convention, there will be a lot of loss for women. Pointing out that violence against women has increased due to the lack of effective punishments, Sibel underlined that with the abolition of the Istanbul Convention, the dose of this violence will increase even more and stated: ‘’Therefore, the convention should be protected. After abolishment of the laws, there is no security of life for women.’’ Finally, Sibel called on all women to shout that they did not give up on the convention in Taksim Tunnel on July 1.
‘This is fight of all of us and we will win it’
Zeynep Doğangün also noted that she is 16-year-old and never felt safe and said the pressure she was exposed to, said: “I am not allowed to go home after 19:30pm because I do not know what will happen on the street. This is a very bad thing. It is very painful for us to be silenced.’’ Emphasizing that she supports women not to be silent and to defend their right to life under any circumstances, Zeynep stated: ‘’This is something that is our right, we should not even have to defend it. Never give up, this is the fight of all of us and we will win it.’’