Statement on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

  • 15:44 26 June 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Making a statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, non-governmental organizations drew attention to the violations of rights and ill-treatment and listed their demands.
The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) Representation, Human Rights Association (IHD) Branch and Diyarbakır Medical Chamber made a joint statement on the occasion of June 26, the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Human rights defenders also participated in the statement made in front of the Human Rights Monument in Koşuyolu Park.
Elif Turan, Chair of Diyarbakır Medical Chamber, read the text prepared on behalf of non-governmental organizations. Elif said that torture in Turkey has been systematically continued as a state practice throughout the history of the republic, and that the torture of citizens in the streets and open spaces by law enforcement in the interventions to peaceful gatherings and demonstrations has reached different dimensions.
‘Ill-treatment is most common in prisons’
Expressing that this situation stems from the policy of impunity, Elif emphasized that those who want to use their freedom of assembly and demonstration, which are the basis of a democratic society and guaranteed by the Constitution, were subjected to police violence throughout the year. Elif noted that prisons, where torture and other ill-treatment practices are experienced intensely in every respect, have become the most risky places in the country with the Covid-19. Elif stated that with the measures taken by the Ministry of Justice on the grounds of the epidemic, a new “normal”, including torture and ill-treatment, was created by further restricting the already restricted rights of prisoners in prisons.
Elif underlined that the responsibility of preventing and stopping torture belongs to the state and said that they will continue their struggle. Elif listed their demands in this regard as follows:
‘’* The main reason why torture is at this level in our country is the existence of a very serious culture of impunity, which is incompatible with the absolute nature of the prohibition of torture. First of all, the policies of impunity, which are trying to become an ordinary rule, should be ended.
* Authorities at all levels should abandon rhetoric that praises and encourages torture and torturers, and torture practices should be publicly condemned in line with the recommendations of international mechanisms.
* Procedural safeguards must be fully implemented in detention conditions.
* Detention periods should be shortened.
* The existing Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TIHEK) should be abolished, and a completely independent national prevention mechanism should be established in accordance with the OPCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture) and Paris Principles.
* Documentation and reporting of torture should be done in accordance with the principles of the 'Istanbul Protocol', a United Nations document.
* Allegations of torture should be investigated quickly, effectively and impartially, investigated by independent delegations, and international ethical and legal rules should be followed at every stage of judicial proceedings. However, we would like to remind you that protecting human dignity and preventing torture is also the responsibility of the whole society. In order to be human and citizens, we have to see the pain caused by torture and grow solidarity to preserve the common bond that makes us a society.’’