‘This battle is war to deny existence of Kurds’

  • 12:33 23 June 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Reacting to Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region, members of the Peace Mothers Initiative said: ‘’This war is a war to deny the existence of the Kurds.’’
Reactions continue against the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) cooperation with the AKP-MHP government, paving the way for Turkey to organize a military operation in the Federated Kurdistan Region. Many people have been killed and injured in the attacks carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) since April 24. Members of the Peace Mothers Initiative in Ankara also reacted to the TSK attacks and the KDP's attitude.
‘Kurds should pursue peace’
Emphasizing the importance of the unity of the Kurds, the Peace Mother Hatice Ay pointed out that there should be no discrimination among the Kurds. Hatice said: ‘’KDP should not emulate anyone in any way, should not feel powerful by hiding behind someone else. Barzani will eventually hear from the Turkish state: ‘You have no benefit for yourself yet, how can you benefit me’. That is why unity, solidarity and fraternity should be ensured in all four parts, regardless of south, north, east, or west. Let the Kurds pursue peace, unity, humanity, and their own language.’’
‘This battle is a war to deny the existence of the Kurds’
‘’This battle is a war to deny the existence of the Kurds," Hatice said and continued: ‘’We exist, no one can destroy us. The Kurds will never give up their language, culture, and struggle. In particular, Mesut Barzani should listen to this very well so that what he did is wrong.’’ Hatice criticized the attitude of the KDP and said: ‘’Let Barzani think and keep his eyes open. Do not let this state give way and opportunity to enter the Southern region. Barzani is doing it wrong, just like Saddam. If Barzani continues like this, eventually his turn will come, he should never say that nothing will happen to me. The day will come when Barzani will have no place on either side. Barzani has turned his back on the state today, but one cannot do this to his sibling. Let no one say, the Kurds will end, we will always exist. Barzani's way out means that he turns a blind eye to the massacre. Every day, women, children, babies are slaughtered there. The people living in the south are dragging on the ground and Barzani caused it. Sibling war is hard. Barzani should not betray his sibling, he will be harmed again in the end.’’
‘The KDP and Tayyip Erdoğan have reached an agreement’
Addressing the KDP and Barzani, Mother of Peace Kadriye Özgan underlined that Barzani should not be involved in the dirty tricks of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). Kadriye said: ‘’Barzani is our sibling. Do not get involved in this dirty war. Let the KDP turn its front, not its back, towards its siblings. They are Kurds, we are Kurds too. It is very clear that; The KDP and Tayyip Erdoğan have agreed on a subject and promised each other, but I am telling Barzani here. Do not let Barzani get in Tayyip’s games so that he does not regret it later. According to Tayyip, our children are terrorists. But for us, our children are our souls, not terrorists. Because our children do not go and attack anyone. They go and attack the mountains, stones, and our people. Our children are defending their lands, language, culture, and lives.’’
‘A person does not open the way of the enemy to his sibling’
Noting that the state's aim is to end the Kurds, Kadriye said: ‘’As Peace Mothers, we say enough is enough for this cruelty. Our patience is up to a point. I will wait at the borders morning and evening if necessary, for this war to stop. Barzani says on some channels, ‘The PKK did everything’. Tayyip has occupied your lands, slaughters your nation every day, and can starve you whenever he wants. You listen to Tayyip, and you open the borders to him, you are killing our children. By plundering those mountains, you left nothing alive in nature, you bombed everywhere. When a person is a sibling, he does not betray his sibling like this, a person does not open the way of the enemy to his sibling! This is neither humanity nor justice. Our children are being killed, but we will ask this government to account for our children.’’