Serpil Kemalbay: Keep struggling for Deniz’s dreams

  • 10:45 23 June 2021
  • News
Melike Aydın 
İZMİR - Expressing that the attack in which Deniz Poyraz was murdered was intended to create a climate of fear and drive the people away from the HDP, Serpil Kemalbay said: "We will continue our activities to realize Deniz's dreams."
Party employee Deniz Poyraz was murdered as a result of the attack by the racist Onur Gencer against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organization on June 17. While the protests continued after the attack, condolences were also established in HDP provincial organizations that lasted for three days. HDP İzmir MP Serpil Kemalbay evaluated the racist attack and the atmosphere that paved the way for the attack.
‘The same things happen because the murders are not confronted’
Referring to the massacres in Sivas, Çorum, Maraş and the assassinations of Abdi İpekçi and Musa Anter, Serpil stated that there was another massacre that was carried out as an intervention in politics. Stating that political and de factual perpetrators are not punished in any massacre, Serpil said: ‘’Since these murders have not been clarified until now and the peoples of Turkey have not faced these murders, the same things are happening. There is a fascist bloc in power and it imposes its politics on the peoples of Turkey, just like mucilage in the Marmara Sea, rotten. The rights of the Kurdish people, Alevis and other faith communities, workers and women are violated every day.’’
‘The perpetrator of this political murder is the political power’
Expressing that the votes of the government are melting away every day, and that he sees any means as permissible to ensure the plundering order, Serpil stated that the HDP İzmir Provincial Building was attacked to design politics, create a climate of fear and chaos. Serpil underlined that Deniz murdered her with monstrous feelings and said: ‘’They sent a professional murderer to our provincial building who was so enraged that he could shoot at many symbols and portraits of our MP deputy Sabahat Tuncel. We think that this is not a process without the knowledge of the government. While at least three-four polices were constantly watching the building, he came to scout many times. We do not think that someone who has already exposed himself is out of the knowledge of intelligence or security. The perpetrator of this political murder is the political power.’’
‘The government failed to reach its goal’
Evaluating Deniz's murder as an attack on the freedom of the peoples, democracy and the peoples of Turkey who have not bow down since June 7, Serpil noted that Deniz is embraced everywhere. Serpil said: ‘’Our citizen, who called from the Black Sea Region, expressed her sadness, and said that she would name her child Deniz Poyraz. Therefore, the political power could not achieve what it aimed with this attack.’’
‘Democratic reactions will be there’
Expressing those condolences will be accepted at the party's İzmir Provincial Organization after the condolences expected to end today in Kadifekale, Serpil said: ‘’In many places where our party is located, the peoples will demonstrate all their democratic reactions in addition to marches with torches in the streets to protest the massacre. Currently, our Women’s Council and our party organs are holding meetings. From now on, suggestions are coming from the party boards about how we will work. In line with these suggestions, we will plan our other works in the coming days.’’
‘These attacks are aimed at destroying our party’
Expressing that ‘Deniz is a comrade in struggle and a peaceful person,’ Serpil pointed to the case of closing the HDP in her assessment and continued as follows: ‘’At the same time, the Kobanê Conspiracy Trial continues in Ankara. Therefore, these attacks are aimed at destroying our party. Our comrade Deniz was our friend who represented the identity and idea that created the HDP. We will continue our activities to keep the HDP alive and to realize her dreams.’’