Women walk towards area in corteges

  • 15:25 19 June 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - At the call of EŞİK, women gathered in Maltepe and started to march in cortege towards the rally area.
Before the July 1, when the Istanbul Convention will be abolished completely, women's and LGBTI+ organizations started the "Great Women's Meeting" in the Maltepe event area, with the motto "We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention", with the call of the Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK).
A large number of women from many provinces of Turkey entered Istanbul from the morning hours to the rally, which was supported by nearly 300 women and LGBTI organizations. The women gathered at many points in Istanbul and entered the area by forming a cortege. The enthusiasm of the women, who started to gather in front of the entry points created in two separate parts of the area surrounded by police barriers, was reflected in their slogans.
After the security checks were completed, the women who entered the area started the march, chanting the slogans "You will never walk alone", "Women live, children laugh", "AKP, get your hands off the convention" and "6284 for women".
Journalist’s entry wanted to prevent
While the police did not take LGBTI+ flags to the area on the grounds that they were "illegal", journalist Jiyan Elma was prevented from entering the area on the grounds of the "Security Circular". Jiyan, whose identity was confiscated for half an hour, was able to enter the area after a long wait.
Women’s Councils participated from 71 provinces
Women’s Councils, which participated in the rally from 71 provinces, entered the area with the slogan "You will never walk alone". HDP Women's Council and Free Women’s Movement (TJA) entered the area with banners with photographs of Deniz Poyraz, who was killed in the attack on the Izmir HDP Provincial Organization building the previous day, and the slogans "Deniz Poyraz is immortal", "One dies, we are born a thousand" and "Man shoots, the state protects".
HDP MPs Ayşe Acar Başaran, Züleyha Gülüm and Dilşat Canbaz Kaya are walking with the crowd holding the banner “We do not give up on the Istanbul Convention”.
The women continue their walk towards the area.