‘We have to protect our unity’

  • 10:19 18 June 2021
  • News
Selma Oremar - Mizgîn Marînos
MAXMUR - The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), which has been continuing its attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region for 54 days, is imposing war on the Kurdish people in the region with the support of the KDP. The KDP's continued support of the TSK has drawn great reactions from the people of the region and non-governmental organizations. However, the KDP continues to insist on war despite all the calls and reactions.
Drawing attention to the ongoing attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region, the women of Maxmur underlined that these attacks should be nullified and said: “Let no more shed of Kurdish youth's blood. Let's Kurd should not shed the blood of the Kurd.''
Women named Cemile Kara, Fatma Kara and Zeynep Kara, living in the Martyr Rüstem Cudi (Maxmur) Refugee Camp, which was the most targeted by the attacks, reacted to the attacks.
‘We chose to become refugees instead of slavery’
Cemile Kara stated that she turned her direction to the Kurdistan Federal Region due to persecution and bullying, but she is trying to continue living with the same cruelty and bullying. Stating that she has been a refugee for 27 years, Cemile said: “We migrated because we had to leave our village due to the persecution of the Turkish state. We did not agree to be a ranger. We left our house, our vineyard and orchard, our homeland. We chose to become refugees instead of slavery. There is persecution against us here too, and warplanes hover over our camp every day. The places where children play and the places where we shepherd are bombed.”
‘Kurds must resist’
Emphasizing that there is an attack against the Kurdish people and that the Kurds should unite against it, Cemile called out to the authorities: “We call on the world, the United Nations, institutions and associations, human rights and refugee rights defenders, and ask them to look at our camp. Let them know what we are living in here. At first, they did not give us a place and we had to visit many places. Finally, they gave us a place full of snakes and scorpions. There was no drinking water here either, and they left us face to face with death. But with great will, we succeeded in creating a new life here. In my opinion, if the Kurdish people win, the enemy loses. To win, the Kurds must form national unity. The Kurds must resist, unite and strengthen their alliance.”
‘Isn’t this cruelty enough?’
Fatma Kara, who was forced to immigrate in the 1990s due to the attacks and oppression they were exposed to, stated that she had to change eight camp sites so far. Fatma, who is currently staying in the Maxmur Camp, wanted the persecution to end. Fatma stated: “Due to the persecution of the Turkish state and its collaborators, we had to migrate to another place each time. Isn't this cruelty enough? There were attacks by the Turkish state from the Bihêrê, Bêsîvê, Geliyê Qiyametê, Ertûş, Ninova and Nehdaran camps to the Maxmur camp. There was also an embargo in the Geliyê Qiyamet and Ertûş camps. Refugees were massacred in the Ninova camp. There were the same deaths and attacks in the Nehdaran camp. Our life has always continued like this. No one can tell us 'You have been tricked'. It is a reality right now, and this reality is that the Kurdish people now have a status. These attacks are against it. KDP should not be a partner in this. We have to protect our unity.”
‘Let’s be together’
Zeynep Kara, on the other hand, underlined that if the Kurds do not form a unity, it is inevitable to enter a very heavy war. Emphasizing that this war could cause a lot of loss to the Kurdish people, Zeynep said: “We should not be partners in this. Let's not allow a war between Kurds. Let no more shed of Kurdish youth's blood. Let's Kurd should not shed the blood of the Kurd. Every Kurd who rebels against the Erdoğan regime is thrown into dungeons and murdered. We need to be united against this. The KDP should not think that the Erdoğan regime will unite with it. One day it will choke KDP, too. If KDP wants someone to stand by it that day, it should abandon these policies today. We are the ones who will nullify the attacks. Do not let our enemy play their tricks. Let's be together and live freely on our lands.”