Armed photos from Syria of perpetrator who killed Deniz!

  • 17:03 17 June 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Photographs of the attacker Onur Gencer, who killed party worker Deniz Poyraz in the HDP İzmir Provincial Organization building, have emerged. Among the posts of the attacker, there are also photos showing that he was in Syria.
The photos shared by the racist Onur Gencer, who attacked the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organization with an armed attack and murdered the party employee Deniz Poyraz, on his digital media accounts drawn attention. The perpetrator, who is stated to be 27 years old, said in his statement at Izmir TEM, where he was taken after being taken into custody, said: "I have no connection with anyone. I entered the building because I hate the PKK, I fired randomly." But his posts denied these statements.
Among the posts made on the Instagram account of the racist perpetrator, named "onur_gencer1994", there are many photos with a gun, as well as racist statements. It is seen that the perpetrator also used racist expressions and hate speech in the story he shared from the same account before the massacre.
Armed photographs from Syria  
In addition to these posts, there are many photos of the attacker with a gun in his hand. Among these guns of different models, there are also long-barreled guns. Moreover, some of these photos were taken from different cities of Syria.
While the perpetrator shared a photo, he took with a long-barreled gun in a position in Manbij, Syria, with the note "Syria memory", the MPT-76 model gun he held is a model in the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) inventory.
In another photograph taken in Aleppo, the perpetrator Onur Gencer is wearing a military camouflage and making a "grey wolves" sign. It seems that the place where the photo was taken is a military venue. In some other photos shared by the racist attacker, other people wearing military camouflage are also seen.
These photographs clearly reveal that the attacker took part in paramilitary structures and has been in Syria in recent years. Many information and documents have been made public and have been the subject of international reports so far that Turkey has used these paramilitary structures in the civil war in Syria, in which it is involved, and in the military operations it has carried out against Northern and Eastern Syria.
In these operations, the name of International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. (SADAT) came to the fore. Adnan Tanrıverdi, who is among the founders of SADAT, also served as a consultant to AKP Chairperson and President Tayyip Erdoğan.