Lawyers prevented in Kobanê Trial

  • 15:02 17 June 2021
  • News

ANKARA - Lawyers who wanted to enter the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, which was recessed, were prevented by the police. A quota was set for the viewer.

In the Kobanê Political Genocide Trial, which was recessed for one hour, the police asked the lawyers for their identity cards, which caused tension. A lawyer who reacted to the lawyers being asked for identity cards said: “I am a lawyer. You were not going to take the provocateurs who came in yesterday, not us."
Riot police set up a barricade
After the lawyer was prevented from entering, the viewers wanted to enter. The viewers in the hall where the hearing was held before the break was prevented by saying, "You cannot enter this hall." A large number of riot police set up barricades. Many police officers who came to the courthouse corridor tried to prevent the crowd, including HDP MPs, with their shields. The lawyers of the case, who did not accept the intervention and attitude of the police, wanted to meet with the chief judge.
Quota for viewers
The chief judge put a quota on the number of viewers entering the courtroom and decided that 25 people would stay, and the other viewers watch the hearing in another hall.