Emine Şenyaşar: ‘Massacre is hiding’

  • 14:36 14 June 2021
  • News
URFA - Continuing the sit-in protest in front of the Urfa Courthouse demanding "justice", Emine Şenyaşar said; "They killed my family in the hospital and applauded. The massacre is hiding."
The incident in which four people lost their lives as a result of the attack by relatives and bodyguards of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız on June 14, 2018, in Suruç district of Urfa has entered its 4th year. The "justice" action started in front of the Urfa Courthouse by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack, continues on the 98th day.
Emine and Ferit, who continued their "justice" actions at home because the courthouse was closed at the weekend, came to the courthouse this morning, and continued their watch.
‘They killed my family in the hospital and applauded’
Stating that they have been protesting in front of the courthouse for months demanding justice, Emine said: "When we went to the courthouse, they fired me, they battered my son, they put us in custody, they took us to the courthouse. Those who committed this massacre are free to walk. My son has been put in prison. He has been kept in a room alone for three years. I must come here again today. Wherever I went, I could not find justice. Why do they not release the hospital records and hide the massacre. They killed my family in the hospital and applauded. Let them catch the perpetrators of the massacre. Whatever I did for three years, I could not find justice. I went all the way to Ankara. There is no justice. Why can't they catch those who killed my family? Why are the prosecutors hiding this massacre? Why are they doing this to us? They have destroyed my family."
‘A mother has been seeking justice on the sidewalks for three months’
Reminding that it was the anniversary of the massacre, Ferit stated that three people were killed by the AKP MP. Ferit pointed out that the file is in the prosecutor's office and the case has not yet been opened, and that there is no one under arrest regarding the incident. Ferit said: "The Urfa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office is committing a crime by protecting the perpetrators of the massacre. He is complicit and abuses his power. One day, when justice is provided, the judges and prosecutors who tried to cover up this massacre will be tried. We will not give up on our deserving cause. We could not go to the cemetery today. Because my mother's health problems were very bad, and she could not handle what happened. A mother has been seeking justice on the sidewalks for three months. We want everyone to support this scream."