Campaign against operations from Peace Delegation

  • 13:02 14 June 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The Peace Delegation, which was prevented from making statements in front of the UN by KDP forces in Hewler, announced that they had launched an international campaign against Turkey's operations by holding a sit-in.
The Peace Delegation, which was prevented from making a statement in front of the United Nations (UN) Representation in the city of Hewlêr in the Federated Kurdistan Region, held a sit-in in front of the hotel where they were staying. After the sit-in, the delegation went to the hotel and made a statement. Protesting the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) blocking with the slogan "Bijî Kurdistan", the delegation started a new campaign. The members of the Peace Delegation, which the prevented by KDP forces by blockading the UN building, announced that they had launched an international campaign against Turkey's cross-border attacks. Evaluating Turkey's operations as "occupation", the delegation announced that they wanted to investigate the villages where the attacks took place and which were evacuated.
Stating that only 70 people came to the Federated Kurdistan Region despite the preventions from the 250-person delegation formed in Europe, the delegation called for participation in the campaign they launched against the "occupation" of Turkey.
The Peace Delegation noted that after conducting investigation in the region, they would report the crimes committed by Turkey and announce it to the world.
After the statement, the delegation chanted slogans and danced the halay.