Lawyers to file criminal complaint

  • 15:40 8 June 2021
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Lawyer Gülistan Ataş and Rıza Polat, who were battered by the police during the Kurdish language event to be held in Diyarbakır, will file a criminal complaint against the police.
 Yesterday, the Kurdish Language and Culture Network wanted to hold a rally in the İstasyon Square in the Yenişehir district of Diyarbakır with the slogan "Let the Kurdish language be the official and educational language in Turkey" and "Let the 21st century be the century of the Kurdish language". The rally was blocked due to the pandemic.
When the rally was blocked, the crowd wanted to hold a press release and march in front of the AZC plaza. However, the police intervened and blockaded the crowd. During the brawl, many people were battered by the police.
A group of lawyers who wanted to come together with the mass also faced police attack. Lawyer Gülistan Ataş and Rıza Polat were injured in the arm during the attack. Lawyers went to the hospital and received a report.
‘We will file a complaint’
Lawyer Gülistan, who was battered, stated that they wanted to attend the press release intended for education in the Kurdish mother tongue, together with a group of lawyers, and said: "We were prevented from participating in the press release, and we were battered. Me and my colleague Rıza Polat were injured in our arm as a result of the battering. Our right to assembly and demonstration was violated, and we were battered by the riot police. Then we got report from the hospital. As a result of prevention of our right to participate in the press release and our being battered, we will file a criminal complaint against those concerned."