Fire and torture in Diyarbakır Women’s Prison brought to agenda of parliament

  • 14:12 7 June 2021
  • Politics
ANKARA - HDP MP Remziye Tosun brought to agenda the fire in Diyarbakır Women's Closed Prison and the torture to the Parliament.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun brought the fire that broke out in Diyarbakır Women's Closed Prison on May 31 and the torture to detainees to the parliament's agenda. Remziye submitted a parliamentary question to the Presidency of the Assembly, asking the Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül to answer.
In the parliamentary question stated that Diyarbakır Bar Association, Human Rights Association (İHD), Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) and Rosa Women's Association visited the prison to investigate what happened, and according to the joint report prepared, the prisoner named Şükriye Gezgin was tortured, ill-treated, insulted, and threatened.
The parliamentary question stated: "In the report; She was stated that she asked the prison officers for a cigarette around 20:00 on May 31, and when the officers refused to give her cigarettes, she burned her blanket and was subsequently battered by the officers. She placed in a cell and stated that she was very affected by the fact that her insistent demands for her needs were not fulfilled in any way and that she was tortured, therefore she injured herself in many parts of her left arm with a piece of glass. It was determined that the prisoner had swelling on her face, marks of beating on her hands, bruises, and glass cuts. The prisoner stated that after the fire, she was taken to the hospital and brought back to the prison without having treatment and put in a solitary cell." In parliamentary question reminded: "Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Article 4 of the UN Convention against Torture regulate the prohibition of torture. In addition, Article 94 of the Turkish Penal Code has mentioned public officials who commit the crime of torture should be punished."