‘Letters from Rainbow to Ezgi’: Her dream not left half

  • 11:23 7 June 2021
  • News
Sena Dolar 
ISTANBUL - The unfinished book of Aydan Ezgi Şalçı, who lost her life in the Suruç Massacre, was completed by her friend Loren Elvan with the title "Letters from Rainbow to Ezgi". The proceeds of the book will be sent to poor children and prisoner LGBTI+ individuals.
Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) / People's Defense Units (YPG) forces launched a long-lasting resistance against the invasion and massacre attacks launched by ISIS gangs against Kobanê on September 15, 2014, which was echoed by the international community. As a result of the resistance, the invading ISIS gangs were defeated on January 28, 2015. After the occupation, the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) called "We are building Kobanê" and set out to heal the wounds of the war. While they were holding a press conference in front of Amara Cultural Center, ISIS carried out a suicide bomb attack on SGDF members who gathered in Suruç district of Urfa to bring toys to children in Kobanê. “33 dream travelers” lost their lives in the attack.
Aydan Ezgi Şalcı was one of those who set out for the free children of Kobanê, which was free from gangs. Aydan was the founder, activist and revolutionary of the Red Ocean LGBTI+ organization.
Aydan Ezgi set out so that no dreams are left unfinished. She left an unfinished book to her comrades, the LGBTI+ struggle and experiences that would raise the struggle for a free life. Completing Aydan Ezgi's unfinished book, her companion and Suruç veteran Loren Elvan shared the story of the book "Letters from Rainbow to Ezgi". The book tells the life stories of 28 LGBTI+ individuals from 25 cities.
‘She contacted many people for her book’
Aydan Ezgi had contacted many people for her book. One of the people she contacted before July 20 was Loren Elvan. Loren states that she was very happy when she received the first message for the book from Aydan. Saying that Aydan contacted LGBTI+ individuals in many cities of Turkey and asked them for a letter for her book, Loren said: “When I asked about the deadline for the letter, Ezgi said July 26. Since we are going to Kobanê on July 20, I thought that Kobanê should be included in the letter. I thought I would write my letter there and give it to Ezgi there. And the explosion took place that day. After I was taken to the hospital, I learned that Ezgi passed away. I could not believe…”
‘The book has great meaning’
“When I think of Ezgi, I always thought on a book work,” says Loren, adding that many people Ezgi contacted for letters reached her and sent them to her to complete the book. Stating that she started to work on completing the book in 2020, Loren says that publishing the book means a lot to her.
Proceeds will be given to poor children and LGBTI+ individuals
The book includes letters from people from very different experiences and from different cities. Proceeds from the book "Letters from Rainbow to Ezgi" will be given to poor children and LGBTI+ individuals in prison.