HDP Young Woman member Esengül Kılıç arrested

  • 15:49 4 June 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - HDP Young Women's Coordination member Esengül Kılıç has been arrested.
HDP Youth Council Executive Board and Young Women Coordination member Esengül Kılıç, who went to Ankara from Istanbul for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting, on the grounds that she had a warrant after a Criminal Record Check (GBT) made at the police checkpoint was detained. Esengül, who was referred to the prosecutor's office after the detention procedures, was arrested and transferred to Sakarya Ferizli L-Type Closed Prison.
It was shared that a "confidentiality order" was brought to the file, which was the reason for Esengül's arrest and contained the statements of secret witnesses.