‘We are asking: What happened to Nadira Kadirova?’

  • 17:06 3 June 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL -The Campaign Group of Implement the Istanbul Convention, in their call to annulment the decision to withdraw from the convention every day until July 1, today asked: "What happened to Nadira Kadirova?"
Regarding the decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention to enter into force on July 1, the Campaign Group of Implement the Istanbul Convention announced that they would call for the annulment of the decision by posting on social media at the same time every day. Today, posted: "We share with rebellion and asking those who did not implement the convention: What happened to Nadira Kadirova?"
‘Perpetrator is in parliament’
In the share of the Campaign Group of Implement the Istanbul Convention, stated: "How was the investigation quickly covered up as 'suicide', despite the fact that there was no gunpowder trace on her hand, despite the signs of struggle, despite the fact that she said she was sexually harassed? We know the answer to the question: Because the perpetrator is in the parliament. He is protected and guarded by those who withdraw from the Istanbul Convention."
The post also called for the "Istanbul Convention to be implemented" so that the femicides are not covered up as "suicide".