Decision of non-prosecution about person who insults Sadiye Demirtaş

  • 15:43 2 June 2021
  • News

ISTANBUL - Istanbul Public Prosecution Office did not accept the application for insulting Sadiye Demirtaş and decided not to prosecute.

User Serdar Saraç insulted Sadiye Demirtaş, the mother of Selahattin Demirtaş, the former Co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), with a video he shared on his digital media account. Lawyers, including Eren Keskin, Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD), filed a criminal complaint against Serdar Saraç regarding the insults. The Istanbul Public Prosecution Office, which examined the application, decided not to prosecute Serdar Saraç.

The prosecutor's office gave the following statements in the reasoning of the decision: “Although the complaint was filed by stating that he made insulting posts against Selahattin Demirtaş in the video published by the twitter user named Serdar Saraç, it was understood that the investigation of the offense of insult was subject to the complaint of the victim, and within the scope of the file, the victim did not have any complaints regarding the posts allegedly directed towards the victim Selahattin Demirtaş. It has been decided that there is no need to prosecution for suspect.”