Strip search torture

  • 16:48 1 June 2021
  • News
VAN - MEBYA-DER co-chair Gülistan Önver and two women arrested with her were subjected to strip search torture at the entrance of the prison.
Within the scope of the investigation launched by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on May 19 in Van, six people, including Gülistan Önver, co-chair of Association for Aid, Solidarity, Unity, and Culture with the Families Who Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER) were arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization". It was learned that co-chair Gülistan Önver, association member Ceyda Dindar and Azize Öner, who were arrested on May 28, were subjected to strip search torture when they were taken to the Van T Type Prison.
During the meeting with three prisoners, their families and their lawyers, they informed that they were subjected to strip search and kept in the cell due to the pandemics.
What happened?
Within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, 17 people were detained in the house raid against MEBYA-DER on May 19. Emine Şaybak, executive of MEBYA-DER, who was among those detained, was released on May 21 following the statement at the police station.
While the detention period of 16 detainees was extended twice, they were brought to the Van Courthouse on May 28.
Of those detained, 14 were sent to the Magistrates Court, with a request for arrest without taking statements from the prosecutor's office, and two people with the condition of judicial control.
After the judgeship interrogation was completed, MEBYA-DER co-chair Gülistan Önver, association executives Azize Öner, Ceyda Dindar, Şevket Kaplan, Cihat Aksu and Seracettin Beyhar were detained.
Mahmut Dindar, Cevdet Bilekçi, İsa Demirağaç, Süreyya Azba, Nuhi Alıcı, Savaş Encü, Halil Karakoç, Kamuran Çiftçi, Nebi Kaçak, Halime Süslü and Muhsin Demir, whose interrogations were completed at the Magistrates Court, were released with the judicial control condition.