STAR Women’s Association: We stand by women who defend their water, land

  • 12:28 1 June 2021
  • News
VAN - STAR Women’s Association stated: “We stand by women who defend their water, land and living spaces to the end”, in its message regarding women who resist the plundering of nature.
Women who resisted against the marble quarry to be built on May 26 in Yurtbaşı (Şexan) Neighborhood of Gürpınar district of Van were battered and threatened with detention. STAR Women’s Association gave a message of solidarity to the resisting women with the post on its Instagram account.
‘The struggle in Yurtbaşı is valuable and meaningful’
In the post emphasizing that they stand by the women resisting the marble quarry, the following expressions were used: “As a result of these plundering policies implemented locally and throughout the country for years, we are witnessing the flood disaster in the Black Sea, landslides in the Aegean, and the destroyed agricultural areas of the impoverished farmer. In Van Gürpınar Yurtbaşı (Şexan) Neighborhood, not only the ecology, but also animal breeding, which is the only source of livelihood of the local people, is in danger, the animal shelters of the local people are destroyed and the women who react to this are exposed to batter, detention, psychological and physical violence, and unlawfulness practices. The struggle in Yurtbaşı Neighborhood is very valuable and meaningful for us. As STAR Women’s Association, we stand by the women who try to defend their water, land and living spaces.”