‘Women are punished instead of perpetrators in Dersim’

  • 11:58 1 June 2021
  • News
Gülistan Azak 
DERSİM - Instead of the perpetrators of disappearance, harassment, and violence in Dersim, women who oppose what happened are punished. HDP Party Council and Dersim Women’s Platform member Helin Yağmur Uci said: “Women are exposed to violence by men at home and by the state outside. Instead of perpetrators of violence, we women are punished.”
In Dersim, where special war policies are applied intensively, incidents such as abuse, harassment and rape are tried to be covered up with confidentiality decisions from the moment they are revealed by the judicial authorities. To suppress the reaction of the city, a ban on actions and events is frequently declared by the governorship.
On October 27, 2020, Hüseyin Polat, who works in a restaurant and is a relative of the business owners, harassed a woman working in the same business. 15 women who were members of the Dersim Women's Platform who wanted to take an action against this harassment were fined 3,150 lira each, and an investigation was launched against them on the grounds of "the governor’s ban on actions and activities".
In addition, the disappearance of Munzur University student Gülistan Doku, and the experiences of V.Y., who was exposed to violence and death threats by the gendarmes at the bus stop in the center on May 20, reveals the problems in the city.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Party Council, Justice Commission for Gülistan Doku and Dersim Women’s Platform member Helin Yağmur Uci made evaluations about Dersim’s women’s agenda.
‘Male violence at home, state outside’
Pointing out that there is a war policy against women in the city, Helin pointed out the rape, harassment, abuse, and disappearances as a result of this policy. Reminding that woman who want to take an action against what happened, they face obstacles and fines, Helin noted that the violence that women are subjected to at home is also continued outside by the state. Helin said: “They are trying to intimidate women. Because women are exposed to violence at home, and they are forced to work in different jobs and under harsh conditions to pay these fines as well as to fight against poverty. With both violence, the male-dominated system is trying to maintain its rule. However, women continue to object to this, to be on the streets and to raise the struggle.”
‘Perpetrators are protected, we are punished’
Regarding the fines, Helin said: “We faced police violence in our action against harassment on October 27, 2020. We were also fined 3,150 liras each. While we are being punished, the protection of the perpetrators of harassment and the cafes they are in reveals that the male-dominated is trying to protect its capital to create itself. However, despite all the blocking and violence, we carried out our actions and exposed the perpetrator of the harassment and the capital areas. This is not the only obstacle we have encountered. We also face investigations and fines in the actions we carry out for Gülistan Doku.”
‘Capital is created with fines’
Stating that the state creates capital through fines through women, Helin said: “The state tests women and the general public with hunger and poverty and creates capital through it. While trying to put us under pressure using the pandemic as an excuse, they allow the wheel of capital to turn. In fact, we can see both the class and social character of the regime with these fines.”
‘They will not be able to divert us from our path’
Finally, Helin spoke as follows: “Gülistan Doku, which cannot be found in this city yet, actually constitutes the reality of what we are experiencing. We women struggle with many forms of violence such as economic, psychological, physical, and sexual violence. No fines and male-state violence will be able to divert us from our path. Because we know that they have basic substructures. For this reason, we will continue to increase the organized and united women’s struggle, women’s solidarity and to be on the streets against all kinds of violence. For this reason, we will continue to expose the structure of the male-dominated regime and to fight for justice for Gülistan Doku and many women to the end.”