Marble quarry statement from HDK: It should cancel immediately

  • 15:37 29 May 2021
  • News
İZMİR - The HDK Ecology Commission condemned the gendarmerie firing on the villagers who did not want the marble quarry to be built in the village, and demanded that the quarry intended to be built be canceled immediately.
Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK) İzmir Ecology Commission issued a written statement regarding the gendarmerie firing against the citizens who opposed the marble quarry in the village of Yurtbaşı (Şêxan) in the Gürpınar district of Van.
In the statement, the attack of the gendarmerie was condemned, while Article 56 of the Constitution reminded as: "Everyone has the right to live in a healthy and balanced environment. It is the duty of the state and citizens to improve the environment, protect environmental health and prevent environmental pollution."
‘Responsible is state’
In the statement, which stated that many citizens were battered during the attack by the gendarmerie, and said: “The Governor of Van and other authorized state officials have responsibilities in this incident. It is both irrational and unconstitutional to demand that people fire on the people by standing with the capital for the marble quarry investment that the people do not accept or want."
‘It should cancel immediately’
In the statement, it was noted that investments that cause ecological and environmental destruction are against the international agreements, constitution and law. In statement stated: "To fulfill its constitutional duty; We openly declare that we stand with Yurtbaşı villagers who want to protect their bread, land, air and water. For this reason, we demand that the marble quarry investment, which the villagers of Yurtbaşı do not want, be immediately canceled."