In Yüksekova, Istanbul Convention brochures distributed

  • 16:53 28 May 2021
  • News
HAKKARİ - HDP Yüksekova Women's Council distributed brochures containing the articles of the Istanbul Convention and masks written with the words "Istanbul Convention Keeps Alive" to women in the neighborhoods.
While the date of the abolition of the Istanbul Convention, which was terminated on March 20 with the signature of the president Tayyip Erdoğan, was announced as July 1, women's actions against this continue. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Yüksekova Women's Council met with women in the Mezarlık and Orman Neighborhoods against the termination of the convention. The council distributed brochures written in Kurdish and Turkish containing the articles of the Istanbul Convention and masks written with the words "Istanbul Convention Keeps Alive".
HDP’s women drew attention to the importance of the convention by conveying the content of the Istanbul Convention to women in the neighborhoods.
The event ended with the distribution of masks and brochures.