Soldier and village guards open fire on citizens

  • 14:26 27 May 2021
  • News
VAN - The stone quarry built in the Yurtbaşı (Şexan) Neighborhood of Gürpınar district stopped its work upon the reactions of the residents of the neighborhood. Soldiers and village guards fired on citizens who reacted to the construction of the quarry.
The quarry built in Yurtbaşı (Şexan) Neighborhood of Gürpınar district of Van has stopped its works upon the reaction of the citizens. A tender was held to build a marble quarry in a large area where Yurtbaşı Neighborhood is located. Contractor company officials, soldiers and village guards entered the neighborhood with construction machines yesterday evening. Later, 40 citizens’ barns were demolished with construction equipment in the area where the marble quarry would be opened. The residents of the neighborhood who gathered thereupon reacted to the destruction, while the soldiers and guards watched around the construction machines.
Fire opened
Stating that they would not allow marble quarries in their neighborhoods, the citizens started a march. Soldiers and village guards rained bullets on the villagers to disperse them. Meanwhile, four citizens were detained. The detainees were released in the following hours.
After the protest, soldiers, village guards and company officials left the neighborhood.
They expect support
Citizens providing information to our agency said: “Our only livelihood is animal breeding. If the quarry goes into operation, animal breeding ends. We do not want a quarry. We showed our reaction yesterday. Upon our reaction, they stopped their work, but they said they would come again. We expect all the public to support us.”
Within the settlement
It was also stated that the quarry in the neighborhood with a population of approximately 500 includes the lands where some houses are located, and it is 200 meters away from the area where the densely populated area of the neighborhood lives.