Prisoners caught to coronavirus brought to agenda of parliament

  • 16:43 22 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - HDP MP Ebru Günay brought to the agenda of parliament about prisoners who caught Covid-19 in Mardin E Type Closed Prison.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin MP Ebru Günay brought about 100 prisoners caught to coronavirus in Mardin E Type Closed Prison to the parliament. Ebru gave a parliamentary question to the Presidency of the Assembly with the request of Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül to answer the issue.
In the parliamentary question, which stated that the necessary measures were not taken in prisons due to the pandemic and that the conditions were getting worse with each passing day, mentioned: “Overcapacity, impossibility of access to healthcare, lack of hygiene materials, handcuffed examination, late departure to the infirmary, late or no hospital referrals, unheated and unventilated wards, being deprived of sunlight, not having adequate physicians and medical personnel, not providing diet meals, the problems experienced in access to clean water and the situation of prisoners who cannot meet their needs are life-threatening.”
According to the news reflected in the press, it was stated that the pandemic was spreading rapidly in the Mardin E Type Closed Prison, and the prisoners who met with their lawyers stated that about 100 people were caught in coronavirus. In the parliamentary question stated: “The virus is thought to be transmitted due to the searches made by the guards in the wards and on prisoners. It is known that Diyarbakır Provincial co-chair Hülya Alökmen Uyanık, who is detained in Mardin E-Type Closed Prison, was also caught to coronavirus.”
It was also reminded that the prisoners have been on hunger strike since November 27, 2020, to break the isolation and end the violations of rights.