Action from Woman Committees in front of SHOW TV

  • 16:28 19 May 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - In the action which the Women’s Committees carried out in front of SHOW TV stated that the perpetrator İsmail Beker was trying to absolve himself in the media. Stating that SHOW TV publishes news that absolving the perpetrator, the Women’s Committees said: "We set the cities and your media on fire."
The Women’s Committees carried out an action in front of SHOW TV on May 15 in Istanbul, after the dentist İsmail Beker, who used violence against an immigrant woman working with him, was exposed on social media, for the broadcast that cleared the perpetrator. While the banner of "Stop SHOW, don’t absolve the rapist" was opened, the slogans "Apply the convention, don’t absolve rape", "Long live women’s solidarity" were chanted.
‘The crime is covering up because she is a migrant woman’
Making a statement, the Women's Committees said: "The perpetrator was caught and exposed. However, after that, İsmail Beker tried to absolve himself at every point he could reach in the media, in the press, due to his social capital. The situation is covered up because the woman who is the victim of rape is a migrant. SHOW TV took this news and published that İsmail Beker was not guilty. Remember, the reason why that woman friend is not Yeldana today, the reason why she does not interfere with the thousands and millions of women who were killed is the power of women. If even a woman is afraid of the dark, we set these cities and your media on fire."
The action ended with the slogan "Long live women’s solidarity".