Kobanê Trial starts: Head of delegation arrives late to hearing

  • 13:32 18 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - The second hearing started of the Kobanê Trial, in which 108 people, 28 of whom were arrested, were tried, including former HDP co-chairs.
The second hearing of the Kobanê Trial, in which 108 people, 28 of whom were arrested, started to be held at the Sincan Prison Campus Campus. HDP MPs, executives, women's organizations, chairs of bar associations, diplomatic representatives of European Union (EU) member countries and many lawyers followed the hearing.
Head of delegation came to the hearing late
Two separate halls were prepared for spectators, families and complainants who wanted to enter the hall before the trial. While lawyers and spectators continued to be admitted to the hall, it was observed that the head of delegation arrived late.
With the arrival of the head of delegation, the hearing started with identification. Most of the arrested politicians were connected to the hearing through the Sound and Video Information System (SEGBİS). Sebahat Tuncel, Sibel Akdeniz, Berfin Özgüköse, Bircan Yorulmaz, Ayla Akat Ata, Ayşe Bağcı and Pervin Baltalı were present in the courtroom. It was stated that Aysel Tuğluk, who was in Kandıra Prison, could not attend the hearing due to health problems and Gülten Akkaya, who was tried without arrest, could not attend the hearing due to have had an operation.
The lawyers who took the floor then demanded that the members of the press and parliamentary advisors who were outside the courtroom be taken into the hall. It was noted that the request of the percusation made by the lawyers was rejected by the Ankara 23rd High-Criminal Court and this hearing will not be held on the merits since the way to objection is open.
The hearing continues with the reading of the incoming documents.