Second hearing of Kobanê Trial to held

  • 10:03 18 May 2021
  • Law
ANKARA - The second hearing of the Kobanê Trial, in which 108 people, including HDP co-chairs, will be tried at 09.30 in the Sincan Prison Campus. Hundreds of lawyers, politicians, journalists, and EU representatives will follow the hearing.
The second hearing of the Kobanê Trial, in which 108 people, 28 of whom are under arrest, will be tried, held in Sincan Prison Campus at 09:30 am.
The trial has been adjourned two times
The first hearing of the trial was held in the Sincan Prison Campus on April 26, after the indictment of the case was accepted by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. Hundreds of lawyers, foreign delegations, politicians, and journalists closely followed the trial. The lawyers’ request for recusation was rejected and the politicians who were on trial were not given the right to speak. The chief judge adjourned the hearing to May 3 and then to May 18 due to the pandemic measures.
Hundreds of people will be present at the hearing
Hundreds of lawyers, politicians, journalists, and various delegations are expected to attend the second hearing of the trial to be held today. The trial will be followed by large number of MPs from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) group as well as HDP Ankara provincial and district organizations and many HDP members. Diplomatic representatives of the European Union (EU) member states are also expected to attend the hearing, which will be attended by experts from the EU Delegation to Turkey.
Chairs and representatives of bar associations from many cities including Diyarbakır, Mardin, Urfa, Van and Muş will also be present at the hearing. Nearly 200 lawyers from various cities are expected to attend the hearing. Women's organizations will also attend the hearing.
On the other hand, HDP will bring vehicles to the Sincan Prison Campus for people attending the hearing in front of the headquarters building of their parties and Ankara Courthouse.
Among the 108 people who were tried in the trial, 28 names kept in various prisons are as follows: HDP former co-chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) former co-chair Sebahat Tuncel, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality former co-chair Gültan Kışanak, Kars Municipality co-chair Ayhan Bilgen, DBP former co-chair Emine Ayna, former MPs Ayla Akat Ata, Aysel Tuğluk, Beyza Üstün, İbrahim Binici, HDP former Party Spokesperson Günay Kubilay, HDP new term Central Executive Board (MYK) member Alp Altınörs, HDP Foreign Relations Commission member Nazmi Gür, HDP Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) member Ali Ürküt, HDP former term compter Zeki Çelik, HDP former MYK members Bülent Barmaksız, Can Memiş, Cihan Erdal, İsmail Şengül, Mesut Bağcık, Bircan Yorulmaz, Dilek Yağ, Pervin Oduncu, Berfin Özgü Köse, Ayşe Yağcı, Zeynep Ölbeci, former MYK members Nezir Çakan and Meryem Adıbelli.