Tülay Hatimoğulları: KDP’s existence also in danger

  • 13:33 17 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Evaluating Turkey’s attacks against Federated Kurdistan, HDP Adana MP Tülay Hatimoğulları stated that the establishment of a military base by the Turkish Armed Forces also endangered the existence of the KDP and warned that the gains of the Kurds are at the target.
Right after President Tayyip Erdogan's meeting with US President Joe Biden on April 24, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) announced on April 24 that they launched a military operation against the Metîna, Avaşîn and Zap regions. As the clashes intensified day by day, various statements came from the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq and Turkey regarding the attack. In the statements received, Mesrur Barzani, Prime Minister of the Federated Kurdistan Region Administration, evaluated the attacks as "a problem between the PKK and Turkey".
We talked about Turkey's attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region with Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Adana Deputy and Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) Foreign Affairs Commission member Tülay Hatimoğulları.
‘Operations will not solve social problems’
Saying that the attacks coincided with the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the message of repeating the genocide was given through the Kurdish people, Tülay reminded that these attacks were not the first. Tülay said: "Turkey has been organizing similar operations for nearly forty years. This recent and ongoing process against Kurds is a genocide process, their efforts to deprive and destroy the Kurdish people is similar to the Armenian Genocide. With these operations, we have seen once again that conflicts and operations have not solved the real social problems or the problem of peoples in any way, and will not. The Kurdish people are an organized people and the Kurdish people are fighting for their own freedom and identity in four parts of Kurdistan. To be seen as equal citizens in the countries they live in, to guarantee this in the constitutions of those countries, in other words, the Kurdish people living in four countries are struggling to achieve a democratic constitution in those countries."
‘Military-industrial complex has developed in Turkey’
Noting that cross-border operations are not a war waged by the Justive and Development Party (AKP) alone, Tülay emphasized that this is a state concept and that governments are always the executors of this concept. 
Tülay continued: "When we look at the last forty years, it is not the solution of the Kurdish problem through peaceful and democratic methods, but on the contrary, war, violence, conflict, assimilation, and displacement. In many places such as Syria, Afrin and Kobanê where we recently lived, the policies of forcing the Kurdish people to migrate from there, removing the non-immigrants, settling in their homes and settling them are completely a situation of deportation. Why is the AKP stepping in this line? Because the difference of AKP from the current governments until today is as follows; In the last period, a very serious military-industrial complex has developed especially in Turkey. They created this segment with their family members and relatives, and huge income areas. These decisions are made by arms dealers, the mafia, and a gang of five. Interest gangs here also make a special effort to increase these wars. When we look at the basic approach of the AKP government regarding the Kurdish issue and regional issues, we can see that Turkey has developed a spreading line of neo-Ottoman policies. In addition to all these policies, there is progress in a developed policy on anti-Kurdishness. Turkey has not achieved anything from cross-border 
operations so far, it still does not."
‘It is ignored that the issue is not Kandil’
Tülay said that unlike the federal Kurdistan administration, he believed that the attacks were carried out for Kurdish gains, and underlined that the current policies implemented by the government in Turkey target the gains of all the Kurdish people. Tülay stated: "When we look at the policies they have followed in Syria today, they always have an approach like ‘If we finish Kandil, this problem will end’. They persistently try to ignore that the issue does not consist of Qandil, but the demands of the Kurdish people living in Turkey, Rojava, Iraq and Iran. They create a perception that these operations are justified by manipulating the public and that these operations are not carried out to the public. However, we have experienced examples of this alive in Syria. They organized an operation in different cities of Rojava and in the areas where people live, saying that we are hitting "terrorists" in the operations carried out in Afrin. They created the perception in the public opinion that we are conducting an operation against an organization in order to gain a legitimate ground from Turkey."
‘The freedom struggle is wanted to be eliminated’
Saying that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has opened its doors to the armed forces for cross-border operations, Tülay said that the operations aimed to completely eliminate the will of the Kurdish people from the region. Tülay stated that hegemonic powers such as Russia and the USA are looking for a door to liquidate the Kurdish freedom struggle with these operations and said: "The Kurdish people aim to build a free, peaceful, democratic and new society. With this equation in the imperialist powers, the elimination of a line is mentioned here. They want to abolish libertarian life, projects that want to take steps for building of a democratic society, and the line. Rojava has been an important experience for Middle Eastern societies. A democratic model of society that is being worked on and implemented in Rojava, where women have equal representation in politics and public spaces, where young people see themselves as subjects in all areas of politics and society, where children have rights, neither imperialist powers nor the collaborators in the region have no tolerance to these."
‘The existence of the KDP is in danger’
Emphasizing that all methods have been tried in cross-border operations and it has been seen with the latest operations that no results can be obtained, Tülay pointed out that these attacks were carried out in order to gain achievement in domestic politics. Tülay stated that Turkey will leave its military power in Iraqi territory and said: "This actually means that the KDP’s existence is in danger. They are not aware of this, or it seems they are not. This government is doing politics to further trigger hostility towards the Kurds. Turkey needs cross-border operations to establish more domination over the peoples and laborers, especially while building a one-man regime, building fascism in this country. With this cross-border operation, the government wants to design the opposition in domestic politics and take the opposition behind itself, just like in the Garê operation. Because they put forward these issues as ‘national issues’. It turned out that the problem in Garê is not a ‘national problem’. We already knew this, it was very important for the opposition to know the other segment. Unless this line is exposed, as long as the opposition in Turkey does not become aware of it, the current government will be able to rule the country with fascism and this will become permanent."
‘The solution to the Kurdish problem will comfort the people’
Underlining that war and conflicts do not benefit the peoples and the oppressed anywhere in the world, only the imperialist powers benefit from this, Tülay said that the government should confront the real problems of the peoples instead of operations. "Is there a Kurdish problem in Turkey, in the Middle East today? Yes there is. The solution of the Kurdish problem will ease the people living in Turkey and the region. As the oppressed and exploited, we must focus on our benefits. Our interests are in the building of a fair, equal and free society. Today, a problem in Iran finds a response in Turkey, a problem in Syria is on Turkish soil, we see it as the peoples of Turkey. In this period, it is necessary to work together to build a new society with a solidarity and international spirit among the peoples," she said.