Social media action from women: IstanbulConventionIs10YearsOld!

  • 15:52 11 May 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - On the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Istanbul Convention, women took an action on social media.
On the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Istanbul Convention, of which Turkey is the first signatory, the social media action took place with the hashtag #IstanbulConventionIs10YearsOld.
Some of the shares of women's organizations and institutions on social media in this context are as follows:
Free Women’s Movement (TJA): Hempeymana Stenbolê di encama têkoşîn û berxwedana jinan de derketiye holê. Em dest ji Hempeymana Stenbolê bernadin!
HDP Woman (Peoples’ Democratic Party): The Istanbul Convention, which has never been effectively implemented since the day it was signed, is now 10 years old. We fought, we won, we have no intention of giving up! 
Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation: Turkey was convicted by the ECtHR for failing to fulfill its obligation to protect Nahide Opuz and her mother from violence. With the effect of this, she became the first signatory of the Istanbul Convention on May 11, 2011. It was the struggle of the women's movement for years that made this possible. 
Assembly on Women’s Shelters and Solidarity Centers: We do not agree to leave the most comprehensive convention prepared to combat male violence against women.
Confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK): We do not give up! We do not give up our struggle and each other until the Istanbul Convention is implemented, gender equality is achieved and a free society is established.
Women’s Solidarity Foundation: Today is the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Istanbul Convention for signature. We repeat that we will not give up the Istanbul Convention, written on the basis of women's and LGBTI's experiences of combating gender inequality and violence! Long live our feminist struggle!
Women’s Coalition: Be informed! We do not give up the Istanbul Convention until the end of male violence and discrimination.
Women’s Platform for Equality: If the Istanbul Convention had been implemented since its entry into force in 2014, at least 2336 women would be among us now.
Women are Strong Together: If the convention opened for signature in Istanbul had been implemented 10 years ago, countless women would be alive. Everything has been done to deepen gender inequality rather than implement it. Now, by leaving the convention, the killers are encouraged.
Feminist Lawyers: Those who say that we have withdrawn from the Istanbul Convention try to forgive the perpetrators of abuse, legitimize forced and child marriages, impose a ban on abortion and leave male violence unpunished. We do not give up any of our rights either from the convention.
Demir Leblebi: #IstanbulConventionIs10YearsOld | Not finished yet: Bald "Men" with almond-shaped mustache what you think; The Istanbul Convention is ours. Every attack on the convention is against our lives. From campuses to streets, the Istanbul Convention is our lifesaver, our purple line.
Women’s Defense: The decisions taken about our lives and our rights are not under the initiative of one man! We will implement the Istanbul Convention!
Ankara Women’s Platform: The Istanbul Convention stands against all gender-based discrimination and forces states to impose sanctions against such discrimination! Therefore, we will not give up the Istanbul Convention.
Purple Solidarity: We do not give up our struggle and each other until the Istanbul Convention is implemented, gender equality is achieved and a free society is established.