Istanbul Convention 10-year-old: We to build free society

  • 12:28 11 May 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - KESK Şırnak Women's Platform and Eğitim-Sen Bursa branch issued a written statement regarding the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention. The statement said, "We will build an equal and free society together with women's struggle and women's solidarity in all areas of life."
The Confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK) Şırnak Women's Platform and Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) Bursa branch Women's Secretariat issued a written statement on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention. In the statement made, women emphasized that they will not surrender to the oppressive and patriarchal demands of the political power, which sees the Istanbul Convention as a threat to it.
Eğitim-Sen Bursa Branch issued a written statement regarding the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention and pointed out that it will increase women's struggle in every field.
‘If the convention were implemented, many women would be alive’
The KESK Şırnak Women's Platform stated that 10 years have passed since the signing of the convention, “The Istanbul Convention, which has been in force in Turkey since August 1, 2014, aims to prevent all kinds of violence against women, protect women from all kinds of violence, proceedings and prosecute perpetrators of violence and it is the first international convention prepared to the finest detail for its punishment.
In the statement, it was stated that there are deficiencies in the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention, which was signed as a result of the struggle of women and one of the most important achievements of women, and that the struggle is being carried out for its implementation, mentioned: "With the Presidential Decree dated March 20, 2021, it was announced that Turkey was withdrawing from the convention Then, it was announced in the Official Gazette of April 30, 2021, that the convention would be abolished on July 1, 2021. If the Istanbul Convention had been implemented effectively since 2014, when it was in force, many women who were killed would be alive today. Under these conditions, the abolishment of convention means that women are killed by men without fear."
‘We will not surrend’
In the continuation, the following statements were made: "The reason why the Istanbul Convention is targeted by the reactionary circles that feed on the same ideology with the political power and government is that the convention is based on gender equality." In the statement mentioned: "The aim of the sexist attacks of the government, which prioritizes protecting the family, not the women, and aims to prevent divorce, not violence, is to spread the monist, reactionary ideology to the whole society through the control it establishes over the lives of women. As mentioned, it is not those who defend the Istanbul convention and the convention that broke the family, but those who do not fulfill the requirements of male-state violence and the convention established to prevent this violence. The reason why the Istanbul Convention is targeted by racist and reactionary groups fed by the language of hate is that the convention ensures that no segments are discriminated against due to reasons such as race, color, language, religion, political or any kind of opinion, sexual orientation, marital status, and immigration status. On the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Istanbul Convention by Turkey, we express once again that we will not give up our lives, our rights, and our struggle for an equal and free life. We will not surrend to the oppressive and patriarchal demands of the political power that sees the Istanbul Convention as a threat to itself. We will build an equal and free society together with women's struggle and women's solidarity in all areas of life."