Historic Şamranaltı Canal turned to garbage heap!

  • 10:55 7 May 2021
  • News
Hikmet Tunç
VAN - The historic Şamranaltı Canal, which is noted as an "engineering wonder" in history, has turned into a garbage dump originating from dumped household wastes. Worried about the reek of it with the warming of the air and the health problems that their children will face due to swimming in the canal, the neighborhood is reactive to the DSI.
According to some historical information, it takes as it is the place where Urartu King Menua, who ruled between 810 and 786 BC in Van, built "the Şamran Canal, one of his greatest inventions, by trying to minimize the mountainous area." The canal, which is about 50 kilometers long, has been in existence for thousands of years to meet the fresh water needs of the city. However, it has turned into a garbage pile with the domestic waste thrown by the citizens.
The neighborhood can still benefit from the water 
The origin of the name Şamram goes back to the Assyrian Queen Sammuramat (Semiramis). In terms of period and durability, the researchers also agree that Urartu dams, ponds and irrigation canals have never been found anywhere else in the world. While the Shamram Canal draws attention to its arrival without any damage even today, the citizens settling around the canal can benefit from the water that continues to flow.
Decontamination only once a year
The canal, which located in Gürpınar district, used as the capital in the past and is located around the historical Van Castle called Tuşpa, has turned into a garbage heap. The canal, which was considered as an "engineering wonder" in the Urartu period, is stated to be cleansed of its garbage only once a year under the supervision of the 17th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI). In addition to the household waste thrown unconsciously by the citizens, it is seen that the edges of the green algae turn into a swamp as a result of blocking the water with sacks.
‘The canal got its name from a woman’
Senem Bilbana, one of the residents of the neighborhood complaining about the smell of the garbage thrown into the canal with the warming of the weather and due to the flies swarming into the garbage, says that she settled on the edge of the canal about seven years ago. Emphasizing the historical importance of the channel, Senem said: "As far as I know, this canal got its name from an authoritarian woman. It is of great importance for us women, as well as its historical importance."
Call to authorities to protect the canal
Complaining about the random disposal of waste, Senem pointed to the DSI officials and said: "They clean it only once a year. The Ministry of Culture should protect the channel's historical texture without damaging it. Only garbage is not thrown away. The sewerage of many houses around the canal that runs along the living space is also flowed here. Sewerage needs to be built in our neighborhood. Our children swim when water flows from the canal, it creates a big health problem for them."