4 Iranian refugees brought to parliament's agenda

  • 15:24 6 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - HDP MP Züleyha Gülüm brought the experiences of four Iranian refugees, who were deported and held at the Aydın Repatriation Center for a month, to the agenda of the assembly because they participated in the Istanbul Convention action.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul Deputy Züleyha Gülüm asked vice president Fuat Oktay about the situation of four Iranian refugees who were detained for participating in the "We don’t give up from the Istanbul Convention" in Denizli and were deported. Züleyha submitted a parliamentary question to the presidency of the assembly on the issue, with the request of vice president Fuat Oktay to answer.
‘They were tortured in detention’
In the parliamentary question, pointing to the news in the press about refugees, "Four Iranian refugees Esmaeil Fattahi, Leili Faraji, Zeinab Sahafi and Pourakbari Kermani were detained on April 5, 2021, and a deportation decision was made about the refugees on April 6, 2021. Refugees who were detained in the Foreigners Branch Directorate of Denizli Police Department with the allegation of "disturbing public order" and "participating in illegal action" stated that they were tortured while detained. Iranian refugees, who have been detained in the Aydın Repatriation Center for more than a month, stated that the conditions are getting worse every day, the wards are getting crowded, they have health problems, but they are not sent to the hospital, as well as Esmaeil Fattahi and Mohammad Poukrakbari Kermani are in the same wards with ISIS sympathizers. They reported that they were worried about this situation.”
Istanbul Convention was reminded
In the parliamentary question, mentioned that the objections to the deportation and administrative detention decisions were rejected by the 2nd Magistrates’ Court. It was also stated that Turkey was a party to the Geneva Convention and according to Article 4 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, no one may be sent to a place where he or she will be subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. In the continuation of the parliamentary question, stated: “Following the obligations under international law by Article 61 of the Istanbul Convention, which is in force and had to be applied, the principle of 'non-refoulment is recognized, regardless of their status and residence status, the lives of victims of violence against women may be at risk or it has been assured that they will not be returned to any country where they may be subjected to treatment and punishment under any circumstances.”