Application to Council of State for cancel of Security Directorate's circular

  • 16:07 3 May 2021
  • News
ANKARA - Ankara Bar Association applied to the Council of State for the cancellation of the circular that prevents the recording of audio and video published by the General Directorate of Security.
Ankara Bar Association made an application to the Council of State for the cancellation of the General Directorate of Security's circular on the prevention of persons recording the images or voices of the police and judicial proceedings against them. In the petition regarding the application, it was stated that the said circular interfered with the right of the defense to collect evidence and violated the rule of law and demanded the cancellation and suspension of the execution.
'The law enforcers have no social engineering duty'
In the petition, which emphasized that granting this authority to the police is excessive of authorization, mentioned: "Without understanding whether the consent of persons is not understood, without understanding the nature and legality of acts against a complaint or a case in the category of compensation law, asking the administrative law enforcement to prevent the complaint of private persons or not, means that an area subject to private law or a complaint is regulated by law enforcement measures and it is unlawful. It was stated that the law enforcers have no ‘social engineering’ duty."
'Circular violates the right to communicate'
The petition pointed out that every citizen may feel the need to prove an incident in the public sphere with suspicion of a crime, and stated that "This is a natural result of living and solidarity in a society."
Finally, in the petition, it was noted that the circular also violated the right to communicate with the press.