MKGP: We to continue be in areas

  • 15:21 3 May 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - MKGP made a statement on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, saying: "We will continue to be in the areas saying neither your laws nor your prohibitions tomorrow as we did yesterday. We promise journalists who resist."
Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform (MKGP) published a statement titled “For those who pursue freedom and truth” on the occasion of May 3, World Press Freedom Day.
‘We celebrate our colleagues' day’
The statement said: “Today is May 3, World Press Freedom Day. Unfortunately for us, although it has an ironic meaning in the geography we live in, we celebrate the day of all our colleagues as those who know what freedom means and those who fight for it.”
‘We are aware of the conditions under which freedoms are usurped’
In the statement mentioned as: ‘’We are aware of the conditions under which all freedoms are usurped; Those who do not take laborers out to the streets are the ones whose laborers are employed at the expense of their lives in the production areas. Those who release women killers are those who ban women's acts. Those who kill our children are those who leave quadrillions to their children. These are the ones who have eyes on our bread. We know that those who say freedom, justice, and equality are the ones who show us the prisons because we want these and make the voices of those who resist for it.”
‘Turkey ranks 153rd’
According to the press freedom index, it was stated that Turkey ranks 153rd among 180 countries, and said: “Today, while many of our friends are in prisons, those who are in the field are either detained, sued or battered and released in the news they follow. The last law also showed that journalism has ceased to be a profession and turned into a field of resistance for us. Those who threaten us to confiscate our cameras can censor our news, shut down our institutions, block our websites, and we know that those who make up the laws and deceive society. Therefore, those of us who express this are always targeted by the government. And in these conditions, in the climate created by the government, the freedom of the press and expression are in danger more than ever. Therefore, such days are not a celebration of the freedom of the press for us, but the day we remind us that we will not bow down of the attackers.”
The statement finally said:
“As women journalists, we would like to emphasize once again that we are more beautiful together as a platform as we celebrate the May 3 World Press Freedom Day for all our colleagues who struggle and pay a price to find the meaning of today.
We promise journalists who resist
Two days ago, the persistent and faithful resistance in the May Day areas showed that the truth will continue to resist and speak. We will continue to be in the field saying neither your laws nor your prohibitions tomorrow as we did yesterday. We promise journalists who resist.”