Specialist sergeant violence in Bingöl

  • 14:00 3 May 2021
  • News
Gülistan Azak
BİNGÖL - In Bingöl’s Karlıova district, the specialist sergeant named Ferhat K. threatened the mother R.Ö with death and battered her, who reacted to him for chasing her child. Having made a complaint about the specialist sergeant, R.Ö. had the restraining order. But at the police station where she went to complain about the specialist sergeant, the police said: "We cannot do anything. You cannot prevent him from coming home". She was mentioned that was threatened with death and also called for solidarity to women.
In the houses of Turgut Özal TOKI in the Karlıova district of Bingöl, the expert sergeant named Ferhat K. chased the children living in the same apartment and playing in the basement. One of the children ran to mother R.Ö, who was sitting in front of the apartment during the incident, and told what happened.
The specialist sergeant, who threatened the mother R.Ö with death, who reacted to the situation, then battered her. R.Ö., who was taken to the hospital, received a report of an assault and complained about the expert sergeant. A decision of restraining order was given about the expert sergeant.
‘I had complaint’
 R.Ö told our agency about the incident: “We live on the same floor of the same apartment building as the specialist sergeant. While I was sitting with my neighbors at the entrance of the apartment, my child ran towards me in fear. I saw that the specialist sergeant was chasing the children. I reacted to the situation. Thereupon, he used violence by leaning me to the tree. I was covered in blood. He insulted. I said I was going to complain about him. He then said: 'wherever you complain'. I complained about him. A decision restraining order has been made."
‘We cannot do anything’ response from the police
Stating that the police officers in the Karlıova District Police Department said that he could come to his house despite the restraining order, R.Ö. mentioned: "It is not the first incident of the sergeant. He was constantly harassing women in the apartment, insulting them and starting a fight. When we reacted, he was constantly saying 'whoever you complain to'. I complained about him, but it appears that the necessary measures will not be taken. It is understood from the words of police officers as 'We cannot do anything. You cannot prevent him from coming home.' We are threatened with death. We do not have a life safety."
‘I expect solidarity from women’
Stating that she read with regret in the news that the expert sergeants were left unpunished, R.Ö. stated that she was worried about the same impunity for Ferhat K. She said: "I know, like every specialist sergeant, Ferhat K. will be left unpunished. They trust the state and their weapons. It is evident that he is protected by telling us "wherever you complain".  It is not the first, it will not be the last. I know I am not alone against violence. There is a strong women's solidarity. I expect the solidarity of women. I do not want the perpetrator to be left unpunished."