Anyone heard voice of Nuran?

  • 10:11 3 May 2021
  • News
Hikmet Tunç - Esra Önver
VAN - Nuran C., who filed for divorce due to the systematic violence she was subjected to, says she was threatened with death even though she had a restraining and protection order. Expressing her reaction with the words: "Will the state help me after killing me in front of my children? Hear my voice. I do not want to die."
After the Istanbul Convention, which was terminated by the decree of the president, violence against women has increased in all areas of life. Although the government denies it and claims that there is a decrease in violence against women, it is reported in the media that a woman is killed or subjected to violence almost every day. The state, which is obliged to protect women, will be abolished from the Istanbul Convention, which protects women's rights and imposes responsibilities on the state, as of July 1. Nuran C., who was trying to make her voice heard while getting a street interview about the economic crisis in Van, is one of the women who were subjected to violence.
‘Nobody hears my voice’
"I am woman and mother either, is there anybody who can hear my voice?" Nuran says she has been married for 25 years and has been subjected to systematic violence by her husband. Nuran states that the divorce case has been going on for about 11 months.
‘Will they come after I am killed?’
Stating that she applied to many state institutions against the violence she was exposed to, Nuran noted that she could not receive any support. Nuran, who is at the stage of divorce, "May I end up like Emine Bulut?" she asks. "After killing me in front of my children, will the state come and collect my funeral? I am a mother of seven children, when I go to social assistance foundations, they say "we cannot help you" because I do not have a divorce paper. I could not get help from anywhere I went. I live in a rented house. Why can't they help? This is unfair! Nobody can hear our voices. But when there is a criminal offense, the state can intervene immediately. But when women like us are subjected to violence, it always remains unimportant," she said.
Nuran says that during her 25-year marriage, she was systematically subjected to violence and her divorce proceedings continue for 11 months. Stating that the man she was married to threatened her with death despite the restraining order, Nuran said: "I have a protection request. But unfortunately, I am constantly under the threat of my husband. Protection, restraining is useless. ‘He calls me and threatens me with death. He threatens to kill my mother. Even in this situation, I did not get the support of the state."
‘I do not want to die’
On the other hand, Nuran stated that she lives in a rented house and could not make a living under pandemic conditions and said: "Make my voice heard! I do not want to die. Enough, women should not die! Let's say stop to violence!" With these words, Nuran calls on institutions to be sensitive.