May Day statement by Animal Rights Council

  • 12:53 1 May 2021
  • News
İZMİR - The Vegan Organization of the Animal Rights Council called for a joint struggle, stating on May 1 that capital threatens the whole planet.
The Vegan Organization of the Animal Rights Council issued a written statement on the occasion of May 1. The statement pointed out that throughout history, humans and animals have been commodified.
'Capital advances by destroying the planet'
The statement said: "In a year, 70,000,000,000 land animals are killed just for humans to eat, and this figure does not include marine animals. In addition, animals killed and tortured in the dairy, egg and textile industries and tortured in experiments are not included in these data. While capital continues to exploit human life day by day, it also exploits nature and animals. Thus, the capital oppressing humans completely ignores the animals' right to shelter, health, and free life. With this attack of capital, it advances by destroying the lives of humans and all other animals, as well as the planet."
'The liberty of the working class is through the liberation of the species'
Stating that the new world to be established by the working class passes through the struggle against the extinction caused by the animal industry and the climate crisis, said: "This road struggles, it is unity. As a result of capitalism, we are in a struggle for all species that are oppressed, whose labor and life are exploited and massacred. Everywhere, we are in resistance, areas, and squares for our lives, nature and our future that the exploitation system plundered and wanted to plunder. "
'We will not bow down to intimidation policies'
Reminding that the Istanbul Convention was terminated on the pretext of "damaging the Turkish family structure", the statement continues as follows: "While the system continues to turn its wheels, we will not bow down for the workers who are oppressed, exploited, and deemed worthy of a miserable life in poverty. At the same time, one of the most important causes of the climate crisis in this system, as a result of fattening, are exploited for months, sexually abused, persecuted in experiments, sacrificed to the leather industry for the clothing of another species, and employed and exploited in a zoo that is 'material' for the entertainment of another species, we did not and will not bow down to any pressure or intimidation policies for the right of all animals to a free and healthy life."
Finally, the statement stated: "We will continue to defend the freedom of all species in all spaces of life and to fight the imperialist capitalist system."