Large number of detentions in Taksim

  • 11:00 1 May 2021
  • News
ISTANBUL - Many people, including members of mass organizations and trade unions who wanted to go to Taksim, were battered and detained. On the other hand, the marches towards Taksim continue.
Many people who went to Taksim Square, which has symbolic importance for workers due to May Day in Istanbul, were battered and detained.
Firstly, a group gathered in Mecidiyeköy wanted to walk to Taksim. The police did not allow for the march of the group. About 30 people in the group were detained. Another group tried to go to Taksim from Tarlabaşı.
However, those in this group were also detained and taken to the police station.
Police intervened the members of the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, who marched from Kazancı Slope to Taksim with a "May 1 is a fight" banner. Many people were battered and detained.
Socialist Solidarity Platform (SODAP) members who came together in Mecidiyeköy also started marching towards Taksim. 19 members of the SODAP were detained with the police attack. Six members of the Socialist Refoundation Party (SYKP) were also detained on their way to Taksim.
On the other hand, members of the Shipbuilding and Maritime Transport, Storage and Warehousing Workers Union (Limter-İş), Construction Workers Union (İnşaat-İş), Revolutionary Structure, Construction and Road Workers Union (Dev Yapı-İş), Revolutionary Tourism Workers Union (Dev Turizm-İş), Young Workers Association and United Labour Congress (BİK) marched to Taksim with the slogan "Everywhere Taksim, Everywhere Resistance". While the crowd was blocked by the police, many people including the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) co-chair Şahin Tümüklü were battered and detained.
BİK and Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) members were detained with torture while they wanted to march from Mecidiyeköy Square to Taksim. The protesters continued to shout "Bijî yek gulan" during the detention.