'A person's wish cannot head ahead of request of millions'

  • 11:42 29 April 2021
  • News
Gulistan Azak - Sema Caglak
DİYARBAKIR - Women in non-governmental organizations reiterating that they do not recognize President Tayyip Erdogan's decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention and said: “A person's wish cannot head ahead of the request of millions. Is this country a puzzle board? We do not accept. We are not giving up on the Istanbul Convention.”
Women do not give up from the Istanbul Convention, which was announced to withdraw on the night of March 20, with the signature of President Tayyip Erdogan. While the applications to the Council of State continue, women emphasized that the withdrawal decision was unlawful, the "uninterrupted actions" continued in the squares with the slogan "We do not give up from the Istanbul Convention."
On the other hand, violence against women continues rapidly. According to the data of our agency, 332 women were killed by men in 2020, 110 women lost their lives suspiciously. While 6 women were killed by men in the first week of 2021, 12 women were killed by men in 7 days following the decision to withdraw from the convention. Since March 20, at least 33 women have been killed by men, at least 11 women have been injured as a result of male violence, 5 children have been killed, and 3 children have been abused.
Women in non-governmental organizations urged the government to back down, warning that the withdrawal decision would drag the country into chaos.
‘Is the country puzzle board?’
78'ers Association Diyarbakır co-chair Halise Batgi emphasized that women would not accept the withdrawal decision and said: “Is this country a puzzle board? Is it easy to withdraw a signature from such an important convention? Do they want women who are exposed to poverty and violence in the country to live under more difficult conditions? It is difficult to understand with which mind and thought they are disturbed by a convention that guarantees the lives of women. There may be only one reason, and that is the power's fear of the women's struggle. Because women drew a philosophy and paradigm for themselves beyond the profile imposed. They want to block women. They want women not to want their rights, not to go to the streets and squares. It is not the male gender we are against, but the patriarchal mentality. We aim to transform the male and his mindset. We want a free co-life.”
‘They encouraged the men’
Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim- Sen) Diyarbakır No.1 Branch Board Member Ezgi Çelik also drew attention to the increase in the femicides and said: “Women should continue their struggle for the Istanbul Convention. We say, "the Istanbul Convention keeps alive" and this is more than a slogan, it is a reality. Look, with the withdrawal from the convention, femicides started to increase. They encouraged the men. We are angry, we are worried.”
‘We will never give up’
Trade Union of Employees in Public Health and Social Services (SES) Urfa co-chair Eylem Salar said that the government does not tolerate the women's struggle and stated: “They are doing their best to block the struggle of women with their patriarchal mentality. But we will never give up as part of the struggle. We will not give up from the Istanbul Convention, our struggle, or our achievements.’’
‘We will not give up from the convention’
Neşe Toprak, an art teacher at the Women's Culture Art and Literature Association (KASED), reacted to the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and said: "The withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention is not an appropriate decision. We already see how women are killed and raped. How could they think of withdrawing from the convention despite this reality? Unbelievable. Women will not allow this. We will not give from the convention. A person's wish cannot head ahead of the request of millions."
‘Women should be united’
Music teacher Evin Tiryaki also emphasized that the termination decision should be withdrawn. "The withdrawal from the convention affects all women. Women should be united and go out against discrimination. We must be prepared for attacks. There should be unity against attacks against achievements. Otherwise, we may encounter different impositions" she said.
‘Resistance will continue until it gets result’
Arjin İnce from MA Music stated: "Everything starts with a woman. Women have created a great fear to power. This decision was taken out of fear of women. Tens of women were killed in a month because the Istanbul Convention was not accepted. The state accepts this violence. But the power of women should not be forgotten. I think, they should be more afraid. The women grew stronger with the anger of the decision to withdraw. Women show strong resistance. This resistance will continue until it gets result."