From Ayla Akat to court: ‘Police cannot sit in place of the defense’

  • 13:18 26 April 2021
  • News
ANKARA - The Kobanê Trial started with the protests of politicians and attorneys against the court board. Ayla Akat Ata, one of the founding members of Rosa Women's Association (ROSA), who is among the arrested people, said, “A political lawsuit is currently in hearing. The security personnel should be taken out of the courtroom and our attorneys should sit there’’.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) former Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş were among them and the Kobanê Trial, in which 108 people will be tried, started with the protests of attorneys and politicians. Citing the Covid-19 pandemic, the court board did not allow many attorneys to enter, and the attorneys left the courtroom. Politicians also protested by not responding to the identification.
The chief judge does not see the demands
Ignoring the demands of attorneys and politicians on trial, the head of the court board continues to the identification. On the other hand, the politicians on a trial state that they will not verify their identity and will not respond unless their attorneys are present in the courtroom. The attitude of the head of the court board gets reactions from the participants and politicians in the courtroom.
Ayla Akat Ata: Political lawsuit hearing
Ayla Akat Ata, one of the founding members of Rosa Women's Association, who was present in the courtroom and was detained, answered the court board's attitude with the following words: "I cannot answer you under these conditions. If a defense is not in place, no defense can be made. A political lawsuit is currently in hearing. This case started incompletely because the defense was not in place. To solve this problem, the security personnel sitting in the second row should be taken out of the courtroom and our attorneys should sit there."
The chief judge threatens to take out 
Despite this, the head of the court board continues to the identification. The chief judge also threatens to remove participants and politicians on trial.