European Women's Lobby report includes violence in Turkey

  • 14:35 20 April 2021
  • News
ANKARA - According to the data of the European Women's Lobby (AKL), one in ten women have been subjected to any type of sexual violence at least once in the last ten years.
Republican People's Party (CHP) Vice President Responsible for Human Rights Gülizar Biçer Karaca prepared text titled; “The Istanbul Convention in its 10th Year”. In the text, the data prepared by the AKL and examining the ten years in which the Istanbul Convention was in force were included.
The aims of the Istanbul Convention regarding the prevention, protection, and trial processes of violence are listed. The AKL report, including informations as the 27 member countries of the European Union (EU) where singed the convention, the six countries that ratify the convention, along with Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia also took part in the debate raised the withdrawal from the convention.
In the AKL report published on April 14, the Istanbul Convention criteria were as follows for Turkey:
"* Changes in the Civil and Criminal Laws in line with domestic violence
 * The entry into force of the national action plan about the violence
 * Telephone helplines, women shelters, etc. institutions to be implemented
 * Developments in the investigation and prosecution of violent incidents
 * The implementation of protection orders, and improvement of a protection order overtime, in cases of domestic violence or violence against women and girls
 * Conducting awareness policies against violence against women and girls and domestic violence
 * Early detection and intervention programs have been implemented
Some of the findings regarding the ten years in the AKL report are listed as follows:
 * One in ten women has been subjected to any type of sexual violence at least once
 * Every second a woman was subjected to one or more types of sexual harassment.
 * Five percent of the women were raped
 * One out of every five women has been subjected to physical or sexual violence by one of their current or ex-partners."