Abused man arrested for rape

  • 12:31 20 April 2021
  • News
MARDIN - Rıdvan O. , who raped his mother and child and inflicted violence on his two children in Kızıltepe, was arrested.
Rıdvan O. , who raped his mother and child and inflicted violence on his two children in the Kızıltepe district of Mardin, was detained the previous day. Rıdvan O. , who was sent to Kızıltepe Courthouse after the completion of his process in the police, was arrested for sexual abuse and violence and sent to prison.
Children who were subjected to violence and abuse were taken under protection. While the Mardin Bar Association Women's Rights Center was involved in the incident, it was stated in the statement made on the issue that the applications of women and children who were subjected to violence and abuse were received and that they were a follower of the incident.