Message from women of the world: We rewrite our stories!

  • 17:44 8 March 2021
  • News
Message from women of the world: We rewrite our stories!
DIYARBAKIR -  DKY, who sent a message to the March 8 International Women's Day rally organized by the DAKP, said "We walk together and rewrite our stories!"
With the leadership of the Dicle Amed Women's Platform (DAKP), the World Women's March (DKY- Dünya Kadın Yürüyüşü) sent a message to the rally organised in Diyarbakır Istasyon Square (June 5) with the slogan: "We defend life against the massacre of women and freedom against isolation". It was said in the message of DKY: "We are women from all peoples, from different cultures, and different realities. We reject the violence and cruelty that is appiled by this capitalist, heteropathriacal, racist, nature-destroying system model.''
The message DKY sent to the rally is as follows:
“It's been a year since the whole world faced the first pandemic of the 21st century. We, as women, are welcoming a new March 8 with a different importance in 2021. For women struggling, March 8 has been a milestone for 111 years for women who dare to speak up, resist, and secure the sustainability of life.
We are women from all peoples, from different cultures, and different realities. We reject the violence and cruelty that is appiled by this capitalist, heteropathriacal, racist, nature-destroying system model . While the deepening neo-liberalism has made the life of women, peoples and the planet more vulnerable, the COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered the inequalities and traps of this system. The urgency of defending life has made clear what we have been defending for years: the urgent need is to destroy this system.
Our struggle is an internationalist struggle. Our self-organization achieves feminist grassroots solidarity by our daily activities in our own lands. We walk together and rewrite our stories!
Our feminism builds feminist economy, solidarity, organization, independence and autonomy, and public power. On March 8 and every day of the year, all over the world; we fight for a world free of exploitation and hierarchies. 
We resist to live, we walk to transform! ”