The hunger strike is on the 43rd day

  • 12:38 8 January 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The hunger strike that the prisoners started on November 27 to abolish the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and to end the violations in prisons, continues on the 43rd day.
The hunger strike which started on November 27 by prisoners in Turkey's and region's prisons to abolish the continued isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and end the right violations in prisons continues. The hunger strike action is on its 43rd day with the ninth group.
Eyşe Efendi , Co-chair of Euphrates Region Martyr Family Institution, said, “A leader of a people cannot be kept in isolation. International human rights courts act in the interests of states. Human rights organizations should fulfill their duties against the violations of rights in prisons."