'Leyla Güven is our honor. She will never walk alone'

  • 13:51 22 December 2020
  • News
ANKARA - Reacting to the arrest warrant against DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven, SGDF member Yaren Tuncer underlined that they never accepted  this decision. New Democrat reader Deniz Akbıyık said, “Leyla Güven will never walk alone”.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkâri MP Leyla Güven's deputy duty was annulled by the decision of the General Assembly on June 4. The trial of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) activist Leyla Güven at the Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court has been concluded. She was sentenced to 13 years and 15 months in prison for "being a member of an organization" and 8 years for "making propaganda for an organization". Leyla, who was sentenced to a total of 22 years and 3 months in prison, was detained last night after the verdict.
The hunger strike which started on November 27 by prisoners in Turkey's and region's prisons to abolish the continued isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and end the right violations in prisons continued on the 25th day, yesterday. Taking this decision on such a day for the government is to take revenge upon these strikes.
Youth organizations reacted to the judicial decision and stated that Leyla is not alone.
'We never accept the prison sentence'
Yaren Tuncer, a member of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), underlined that they never accepted the prison sentence imposed on Leyla. Expressing that she supported Leyla and the political prisoners on hunger strike, Yaren said, “We took it as our duty to carry the wave of revolt to the streets which started by the prisoners in prisons. The government lost the hunger strike fight. By the  22 years prison sentence decision given to Leyla Güven the government aims to revenge upon hunger strikers. ''
"Leyla Güven is our honor"
Drawing attention to the decision was made during the hunger strike process, Yaren said, “In this period, hunger strikes were initiated again against isolation, against this illegality, and this fascism. The 22-year prison sentence given for Leyla Güven at this time is for the fascist state to take revenge upon Leyla Güven, the revolutionaries and the Kurdish freedom movement. This is how we understand this decision and we support Leyla Güven. Leyla Güven is our honor''
"It is the policy of political genocide"
Recalling the hunger strike actions led by Leyla Guven against the isolation and bad prison conditions, New Democrat reader Deniz Akbıyık said: “Leyla Güven, who started a hunger strike against isolation, was later released but continued to the hunger strike. The verdict given in the court this morning was exactly about it. It is very clear that it is a decision made within the scope of political genocide. Today is 25th day of hunger strikes and Leyla Güven is requested to be arrested.  This is the policy of political genocide against the HDP and the Kurdish struggle. "
‘Leyla Güven is not alone’
Expressing that this decision is a continuation of the long-running political genocide operation, Deniz said: “The genocide policy has been continued, especially after the Solution Process and the negotionations are over. For Leyla Güven, we can say the following as the New Democrat Youth; Leyla Güven has never given up. We know very well that even if she is arrested today, she will not bow down in the prisons of fascism. We know very well that Leyla Güven will maintain her honorable stance in the struggle for women and her honorable stance against fascism. Leyla Güven will never walk alone. "